
Welcome to the Madigan family blog! I've decided to dispel the rumors that nobody takes any pics of their second child by creating a little motivation for myself with this new online endeavor. Enjoy.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Considering we whipped out the Christmas tree already, I figured it was about time to post some Halloween pics before I caused total Holiday confusion. Halloween was a fun-filled, two weekend affair this year which involved a costume party at the community center, a parade and Halloween "jubilee" downtown, a pancake breakfast and magic show at Roundhill, AND finally some trick or treating in the hood. Lots of fun, but, needless to say, we were a little Halloweened-out.

A very windy day at the Pumpkin Patch.
Max working his Zoolander stare.

Hud rockin his pumpkin hat.

Bob the Builder at the local community center.

A very happy Yoda.