
Welcome to the Madigan family blog! I've decided to dispel the rumors that nobody takes any pics of their second child by creating a little motivation for myself with this new online endeavor. Enjoy.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

We're back !

New Year's Resolution 2010: GET BACK ON TOP OF THE BLOG!
2009 saw a return to full-time, grown-up cubicle work for yours truly(slightly depressing, but necessary) and in addition to doing a little bit of account management, I've managed to fit in some occasional blog browsing and I've become a bit of an addict. Not sure if that's a good thing, but be that as it may, it's inspired me to get back to work on this little project. So here it goes...
I'm a bit embarrassed to discuss how long it's been since the last post, so I'll just move on to bigger and better things by sharing with all of you a few of my favorite highlights from 2009.

Caden Paul Brent Joins the fam, April 29th 2009

Huddy turns 1! Mom makes super cute edible chicken.

Hud walks. Max's world is forever changed.

Max starts swim lessons! Not so sure he liked it at first- can you tell?

July 2009 RIP Konocti- our last family vacation there.

I'm sure we'll find other uses for that noodle.

Sorry Clearlake, but we won't miss you that much, as long as Maui exists.

Happy Fourth!

Max Turns 3!

A visit to "T" in the big city.

Max starts preschool at Noah's Ark!!!He's a "giraffe"- obviously.

Halloween- Downtown D-ville parade (the firetruck is always a hit), a little casual butt-sniffing amongst dogs, a pre-trick-or-treating melt-down that resulted in a last-minute costume change all made for a very busy holiday.

Max & Hud FINALLY get right with the Lord. Better late than never, and actually I highly recommend baptising your kids at a slightly older age because I am tellin' you- Max was really into it (definitely had a come-to-Jesus up there on the altar) God bless my little angels.

So- looks like we just need a little Xmas update and we will be just about up-to-speed . Stay-tuned!!!