
Welcome to the Madigan family blog! I've decided to dispel the rumors that nobody takes any pics of their second child by creating a little motivation for myself with this new online endeavor. Enjoy.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Considering we whipped out the Christmas tree already, I figured it was about time to post some Halloween pics before I caused total Holiday confusion. Halloween was a fun-filled, two weekend affair this year which involved a costume party at the community center, a parade and Halloween "jubilee" downtown, a pancake breakfast and magic show at Roundhill, AND finally some trick or treating in the hood. Lots of fun, but, needless to say, we were a little Halloweened-out.

A very windy day at the Pumpkin Patch.
Max working his Zoolander stare.

Hud rockin his pumpkin hat.

Bob the Builder at the local community center.

A very happy Yoda.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Back from Palm Desert

Carry-on weiners.

Grammy lookin hot poolside with Hud

Mr. October

Swimming Machine

After Ryan's momentous Hole-in-One, the old timer's came over and forced him to drink lots of Crown Royale.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

On the road again....

Amazingly, we survived four 3+ hour long drives in one week- with very few meltdowns- and although there was a lot of packing, unpacking, laundry, repacking and driving involved, we managed to have 2 nice little getaways to Clearlake and Tahoe. Captain Max spent some time commandeering various watercrafts and digging, while Huddy did alot of what he's pictured doing above. Thankfully, grandmas & grandpas were on hand, so Ry and I were able to squeeze in a little Alan Jackson concert and brief, but enjoyable alone time.

Happy Hud!

So- we are finally getting some "return on our investment" and seeing some non-gas-related smiles from our little guy. These were taken between 7 and 9 weeks. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back by Popular Demand....More Hudson

Sleeping- as usual :) - 4 weeks old

looking concerned (Max must be nearby). 3 weeks old

After our first bath (at 1.5 weeks)

nanny scooter (3 weeks old)

Our first visit with our cousins (from left: Abby, Grace & Emmy)- about one week old

Happy 2nd Birthday MAX!

Our new tool bench is really loud- and we love it. Just one of MANY gifts.

Pancakes for breakfast at Valley Medlyns -just the the right start to a sugar-filled day.

Mom's masterpiece!

Party at Grammy Cathy's house

Blowing out candles with Poppa Tom.

Someone was very happy to finally have a day that was all about HIM again (notice there are no pictures of you-know-who :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hudson is 4 Weeks old today!

Wow- time really flies when you are changing a million diapers. Hud is four weeks old today- and what a tumultuous four weeks it's been. Hud, however, has been (knock on wood) a total "angel baby". Max is not quite as excited about him. A hint of jealousy, in addition to the onset of the "terrible two's" (which are NO JOKE btw) have been proving to be quite a challenge. Needless to say, there are time-outs-a-plenty around here :)

Fletch Madigan (199?-2008)

We said goodbye to our beloved Fletchy dog yesterday. Amidst all the baby madness, we managed to notice that he wasn't quite himself lately. An unexpected cancer diagnosis gave us only a week more with him, but he gave us eight good years of his unconditional love. Although I will have a lot less vacuuming to do- he will be sorely missed :)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hudson is 1 week old!

Hudson is one week old!
HUDSON PAUL MADIGAN HAS ARRIVED! After 12 hours of labor and only a few pushes, baby Hud decided to make his grand entrance on Friday the 13th at 3:13 am (of course). Despite his Date of Arrival, this kid has (thus far) been anything but a nightmare. He eats, sleeps and poops like a champ and he is hardly giving his mom and dad any grief. Max, on the other hand, is not quite sure what he thinks about the guy- but we're working on that. Hud weighed in at 7 lbs, 2 oz and was 21 inches long. He had wrinkly old man feet and puffy eyes and is decidedly more Brent than Madigan- so far. We love him.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Super Dad!

So- I have to come up with something really good to give big Daddy Ry for Father's Day and I need to do it soon, before I am trapped on the couch, breastfeeding, for what will seem like 24 hours/day. Check out the slideshow to the right and you will see what a great gift I received this year for Mother's Day. Ryan actually pulled one over on me and had a secret photo shoot with Max in A-town. A friend of his, Ashley Wexler, is a photographer and she also took some great pics of M when he was a baby at Blake & Jenne's. You can check out some of her other work at http://underthesunfoto.com/

Nice work dad, although I need to find some new shelf/wall space for baby #2 :) BTW- thanks for all who voted. Despite the fact that Hudson is the winner by an overwhelming majority, somebody is still not convinced. Who knows- "Frank" might just be the perfect father's day gift :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

3 1/2 Weeks TO GO!

So - the eagerly anticipated arrival of the second Madigan Masterpiece is just a few weeks away. All the onesies have been laundered and Mad Max has been successfully transitioned to his "big boy bed" (sort of), but who's ever really prepared for this sort of thing? One major detail that we still have left to sort out is the ever-important name issue. Max and I are all set with Hudson, but Ryan is still holding out on us. So- I've decided to post a vote. Let us know what you think and pick your favorite from the list to the right :)